


/Introduction to Permaculture
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Introduction to Permaculture

6 modules


Certificate of completion

Lifetime access

<p>Let&#39;s build a sustainable future for ourselves by transforming our concrete jungles into tiny, <strong>natural farms</strong> and our rural landscapes into <strong>lush green food forests</strong>!<br /> <br /> Permaculture is <strong>not just a method of farming</strong>; it is a way of thinking and being that will help us transform our cities and farmlands into <strong>sustainable eco-systems</strong> fully capable of being autonomous like an independent forest without human intervention! Want to learn how you can design or create systems like this? This course is your window to the world of permaculture knowledge!</p>


Introduction to the Course and Importance of Permaculture

6 attachments • 35.01 mins

Permaculture: The most only sustainable way to reverse HUMAN impact on our ecosystem


Introduction: Let us Define Permaculture


What about Water, Fertilizer and Pesticides?


Will Permaculture benefit me if I don’t have a Farm?


Global Threats to Life Systems


Birch's Six Principles of Natural Systems


Learn and Adopt Permaculture Ethics for Everyday Life

4 attachments • 13.19 mins

What are Permaculture Ethics?

Earth Care

People Care

Fair Share

Understanding Permaculture Design Principles - Part 1

8 attachments • 33.32 mins

Observe and Interact

Catch and Store Energy

Obtain a Yield

Permaculture Design Principles - Quiz 1

Apply Self-Regulation and Feedback

Use and Value Renewables

Produce No Waste

Permaculture Design Principles - Quiz 2

Understanding Permaculture Design Principles - Part 2

8 attachments • 36.5 mins

Design from Patterns to Details

Integrate; Don't Segregate

Use Small, Slow Solutions

Permaculture Design Principles - Quiz 3

Use and Value Diversity

Use Edges and Value the Marginal

Creatively Use and Respond to Change

Permaculture Design Principles - Quiz 4

Learning basic Permaculture Design strategies and exploring Career opportunities in Permaculture

5 attachments • 40.67 mins

How to Plan for Permaculture Design

Phase 1: Energy Efficient Planning

Phase 2: Resource Planning

Phase 3: Design Planning

Can you build a Career using Premaculture?

How to get started with Permaculture

3 attachments • 13.89 mins

Building Healthy Soil

Integrated Pest Management

Stacking and Guilds

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